Mini Buttons
Default button Primary button Info button Success button Warning button Danger button Inverse button
[button bgcolor="red"]Red button[/button]
Small Buttons
Default button Primary button Info button Success button Warning button Danger button Inverse button
[[button size=”btn-small” class=”btn-danger”]Danger button[/button]]
Default Buttons
Default button Primary button Info button Success button Warning button Danger button Inverse button
[[button size=”medium” bgcolor=”black”]Black button[/button]]
Large Buttons
Default button Primary button Info button Success button Warning button Danger button Inverse button
[[button size=”large” bgcolor=”azure”]Azure button[/button]]
Mini Rounded Buttons
Default button Primary button Info button Success button Warning button Danger button Inverse button
[button class="btn-primary" type="rounded-button" size="mini"]Primary button[/button]
Small Rounded Buttons
Default button Primary button Info button Success button Warning button Danger button Inverse button
[button class="btn-primary" type="rounded-button" size="small"]Primary button[/button]
Default Rounded Buttons
Default button Primary button Info button Success button Warning button Danger button Inverse button
[button class="btn-inverse" type="rounded-button"]Inverse button[/button]
Large Rounded Buttons
Default button Primary button Info button Success button Warning button Danger button Inverse button
[[button size=”large” class=”btn-primary” type=”rounded-button”]Primary button[/button]]
Predefined classes: default, primary, info, success, warning, danger, inverse
List of possible attributes:
- target- Link target (_blank, _self)
- href – Url (http://www.example.com/)
- class – Custom button class which you can use to style it differently
- size – Button size (small, medium, large)
- border_color – Button border color
- bgcolor – Button background color
- type – Type (button, rounded-button)
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